theres certain things you cry for and certain things you dont.
don't you ever cry as a way to win someone back, if it takes tears to make them want you again, then they never really wanted you.
dont ever cry for someone who doesnt even know you exist, thats jsut feeling bad for yourself, go make him notice you.
dont ever cry your eyes out for someone who hurt you, they dont deserve the tears.
dont ever cry just because its what you should do.
dony cry when you break up with someone, its your fault.
dotn cry because you lost a game or didnt win something, its jsut a game, its not worth tears.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP4XQoyIqgs&NR=1 <-- cry - rihanna
cry when someone breaks your heart, not because your hopeless, but because it hurts to think the person you once trusted could do this to you.
cry when someone you love dies, or even if you dont love them, cry for them because you will never see them again
cry because you have so many emotions, you need to release the pain.
cry because you have no other choice, because smiling is too hard to do.
cry with joy when something overwhelms you so much with happiness, smiling is too little, so you cry.
cry when you laugh
cry whenever you need to, don't hold back
the best type of crying is on the bathroom flooor, because it usually ends up you getting up and realizing how unnessacary those tears were, but when you think of it, if you hadnt cried them then youd still be an emotional wreck imprisioned in his/her own sadness. set yourself free.... cry.
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