today was just like any other. but when i came to work, less then ready for 3 ours of paper or platic, debit or credit, want the receipt in the bag, did you find everything you were looking for? about an hour into the madness, i saw waiting in my line was a woman, dressed in a blue bleached t-shirt sporting the hollister seagull, khakhi shorts, and a Pink( the singer)- esque hairdo. and as she came closer i could tell she wasn't straight. she was a lesbian... and if her rainbow bracelet, and her bracelet , i see them ebverywhere they say i <3 boobies for breast cancer i think... i knew she was a lesbian but im not gunna be like sooo were kinda in the same boat. i finally knew for 100% sure when a long haired blong woman lauren conrad esque person came up and kissed her on the cheek. it was gay PDA. so i KNEW. i continued to ring through their groceries, soy everything, gluten free everything, organic, and finally as i was bagging, the most peculiar question was asked... " have you ever been to providence town? because the boys there would eat you up. and i got instantly embaraasssed, and told her i was too self conscious to really pu tmysaelf out there to date, and she said your beasitufl and and i was like no. and she said you could be the ugliest person ever, ( whihc your not your actuallyreally cute) or you could be the hottest, but when your gay, your beautiful, because being gay means homosexual but it also means happy and by deffinition you like men, and make people happy. you ARE beautyiful.
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