Although EVERYONE looked gorgeous at prom, these women really shined.... I might need to add peoplee... i wrote this two days after promm so i forgot peoplee.
best dressed overall- Megan Duckworth
Best Dressed Overall Senior- Meaghan Scipione
Best Dressed Overall Junior- Megan Duckworth
Best Dressed Overall Sophmore- Bethany Castellano
1. Katherien Dullhea
2. Shannon Moore
3. Hayley Brown
4. Aisling O'Leary
5. Nancy Baker
6. Caitlyn Pearson
7. Marie Kelly
8. Emily Burns
9. Lydia Shilland
10. Camila Tyminski
11. Emma Rice
12. Danielle Houlihan
13. Michelle Howard
14. Marykate Lampron
15. Kira Salhaney
16. Brooke Amendola
17. Courtney Blount
18. Ashleigh Primack
19. Anya Bowen
20. Kylie Nagle
Biggest WOW of the Night outfit- Monica Risso
Most Unique Dress- Michaela Bosch/ Zoe Swartz
Prettiest Color Dress- Bethany Castellano/ Anya Gorny
Best Print Dress- Aislinn Twohig/ Allison Florentino
Best Short Dress- Kelly Strickland/ Sarah Bowers
Best Couple- Alexia Spinney and Parker Wilson
Best Hair- Fiona Morgan/ Marykate Lampron
Best NON- BLS student - Kelly Sullivan
Best PINK- Makenzie Snow
Best Shoes- Georgia Okalita
Most Dance-frienly Dress that still looked beautiful- Shannon Casey
Best Makeup- Elizabeth Riordan
Best One Shoulder Dress- Brittany Miller
Best Twins - Brighdy and Cate McDonough
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
first thought when i wake up is: my god he's BEAUTIFUL.
liking someone out of reach is one of the hardest things ever, because one, you don't get the guy, two, you ultimately conclude you arent good enough. I am here to tell you that is false, false, false. Not being good enough for someone is a lie. Maybe someone is more attractive then you, but if you look at couples today, noones that gorgeous when there old, so it wont matter. don't give up. tell him/her your in love with her. let her know.

Fearless is not being extremely courageous, fearless is having fears, and beign scared sometimes. Fearless is cutting off all your hair because you wanted change. Fearless is saying no to peer pressure, and doing your own thing. Fealress is saying i love you the second you start to LOVE that person, not waiting until its the correct time. Fearless is being honest and not giving fake compliments, fearless is saying actually your hair looks disgusting today, fucking brush it. Fearless is falling in love with someone that your freiends don't like. Fearless is walking into school in whatver you felt like wearing, and ignoring the staring. Fearless is taking every bad experience and making it somehow positive. Fealress is letting yourself cry, alot and often. Fearless is having a meltdown, but getting through it, surviving and coming out alive. Fearless is not quitting, ever, no matter hwo hard life is. Fearless is calling someone out when theire clearly at fault. Fearless is kissing and telling. Fearless is throwing the rule book out the window and doing whatver yoiu want. Fearless is not doing the proper thing, its doing YOUR thing. Fearless is being Gay, when being gay isn't cool. Fearless is starting a trend... and then once it catches on, starting a new one. It's fearless to tell someone you are not going to apologize because you have no reason to. Its also fearless to beleive in love, to believe there is a soulmate, and theat he or she is coming. its fearless to splash in every pouddle with a smile on your face, because life is as good as it gets. Fearless is falling for someone who doesnt even know you ecist, fearless is being 100% you, and not being what peopel want. Fearless is wearing yellow to an all black party, and fearless is wearing glitter when noone else is. Its fealress to fall in love so deeply, you know nothing could be better. Its fealress to fall in love, period. Love is Fearless. I am Fearless.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Dear Carrie Bradshaw, 2

Dear Carrie, It's tuesday, grose. I've been doubting alot of things lately, who I'm friends with, who I like, if it's worth staying frends with someone. I hate saying my life is complicated because I'm only 16, but it is. I feel trapped, like the only reason I'm here, is as a way to kill time until I get to bigger and better. I belong amonst the famous, I don't want to be famous, i want to be around the famous. I live for glitz and glamour. I came to the conclusion I am NOT frends with _______. I can't handle her. if we we're together for 7 full days... I'd killmyself after 20 minutes. She is someone i couldn't drop if I tried... cause she has noone. I'll just put up and shut up. Whatever. 11 years of my life I have loved fashion. I'd say my whole life, but I actually think it's impossible to like fashion when you can't do much more than hopscotch and sidewalk chalk. Back then, all I knew was girls(ha), Rosey O'Donnell, earthworms and monster trucks. This mornign while i was listeneing to Not Myself Tonight by Christina Aguilera, I thought about how for my first half of my BLS career, I wasn't myself. My life feels like that perfect pair of blue Minolos from SATC Movie. I am kinda classy, but kinda wild. I believe that blue is a nessascary part of every outfit. I like falir, i like getting dressed and picking that perfect outfit. I like fashion that looks expensive. If my life is like that blue pair of Minolos, then it must be waiting for me on the shelf in some luxurious high end suite in New York City in a closet the size of a bus.
Patrick Miley
Monday, May 17, 2010
Dear Carrie Bradshaw,

Dear Carrie,
When starting a letter or a series of letters, you must ask yourself , who am I writing to and how do I want to be portrayed in this letter. Being that I am writing to one of the most fashionable women in the world and one of the most experienced in love, I decided to be formal. Age 4 was when I said to my mother that I wanted a Louis Vuitton Bag. Dressing how you 'feel' is whats 'in' right now, but I dont like to follow trends. I like dressing how I am. if someone is tired, they automatically where comfortable sweats and lounge all day. If someone is feeling flirty, theyll dress cute so they get noticed. I am crazy, rowdy, expressive, unconventional and fierce, so I dress that way. Last week, wearing animal shaped bracelets was 'in', so i conformed and bought a pack. I have never spent 5.99 on something as stupid in my entire life. I wore those elastics for at most 3 days and then realized how silly the whole fad was. Elastic bands shaped like cows and pigs and elephants, really? ooohhhh and they come in all different colors! No thank you. Im reading this story about a women who brings a swan over from China but she cannot keep her because although it is beautiful, it is dangerous. Those are two fo my favorite qualities, beautiful and dangerous, and you have both. To be incredibly beautiful and dress incredibly beautiful is one thing, and to be beautifully fierce is much better. Not to sound nosey, but theres something I would like to ask you. Everytime I think about falling in love, I think about being so crazy for someone that although you don't have to change because they love you for who you are, you always try to improve. Being so crazy in love that you are willing to jeapordize every part of your life for someone. Being so in love that rain or shine, snow or lightning, nothing can stop you. Being so in love you want every part of someone, good and bad, eveil and kind, funny, and dumb, beautiful and ugly, you want it all, forever. Does Big make you feel this way? Is that why you took him back?
With Love,
Patrick Miley
Monday, May 10, 2010
What we had is in the past, was I naiive to think it would last
There is no 24 hours where i do not think of you, it's hard not to. you took up the majority of my life. ( well the part that mattered) i don't intend on following this through because that goes agaisnt everyting i am, but what i feel is endless. It sounds messed up, but id chose you over the glitz and the glamour, the fashion and the fame, because your better then that. being with you is a rush, its like a roller coaster. You don't rea;lize this, but when i make funny faces at you in the ahllway, it's not because you disgust me, its because i dont think a smile justifies how happy you make me. i dont know why i feel this way, its actually unnatural for me, but i do. thank you for always being there. sincerely Patrick Miley. ps. $10
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Miley Ray

Dear Miley, One things for sure, youve been with me since the beginning, i've loved you since 7th grade, and increasingly i find ways to relate to you. you would rather have your soulmate than a hookup, as would i, and surprisngly alot of people would prefer the hookup. thank u for being inspiring. i love you X infinity. - patrickmiley
have you ever woken up one day and honestly realized if one of your friends wasnt in your life, life would eb better... it happpened to me. and honestly our frendship ended, the memories didnt.
I can't be tamed
being tamed is the goal these days, shes rowdy- calm her down, hes soo loud- shut him up. personally i understand i cannot be tamed. i cannot be controlled i cannot be stopped. im different, i have flaws, but i also have love, for myself and others. taming someone requires the key to their heart, not verbal abuse. noone has ever gotten my full love, and if they had then maybe i might be slightly tamed. but im as wild as they come, and i am out of control. i dont want to be tamed though, i tame myself, i control myself i know when im out of line, but i dont want to be tamed, i like beeing free i cant be tamed.
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