Fearless is not being extremely courageous, fearless is having fears, and beign scared sometimes. Fearless is cutting off all your hair because you wanted change. Fearless is saying no to peer pressure, and doing your own thing. Fealress is saying i love you the second you start to LOVE that person, not waiting until its the correct time. Fearless is being honest and not giving fake compliments, fearless is saying actually your hair looks disgusting today, fucking brush it. Fearless is falling in love with someone that your freiends don't like. Fearless is walking into school in whatver you felt like wearing, and ignoring the staring. Fearless is taking every bad experience and making it somehow positive. Fealress is letting yourself cry, alot and often. Fearless is having a meltdown, but getting through it, surviving and coming out alive. Fearless is not quitting, ever, no matter hwo hard life is. Fearless is calling someone out when theire clearly at fault. Fearless is kissing and telling. Fearless is throwing the rule book out the window and doing whatver yoiu want. Fearless is not doing the proper thing, its doing YOUR thing. Fearless is being Gay, when being gay isn't cool. Fearless is starting a trend... and then once it catches on, starting a new one. It's fearless to tell someone you are not going to apologize because you have no reason to. Its also fearless to beleive in love, to believe there is a soulmate, and theat he or she is coming. its fearless to splash in every pouddle with a smile on your face, because life is as good as it gets. Fearless is falling for someone who doesnt even know you ecist, fearless is being 100% you, and not being what peopel want. Fearless is wearing yellow to an all black party, and fearless is wearing glitter when noone else is. Its fealress to fall in love so deeply, you know nothing could be better. Its fealress to fall in love, period. Love is Fearless. I am Fearless.
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