Dear Carrie, It's tuesday, grose. I've been doubting alot of things lately, who I'm friends with, who I like, if it's worth staying frends with someone. I hate saying my life is complicated because I'm only 16, but it is. I feel trapped, like the only reason I'm here, is as a way to kill time until I get to bigger and better. I belong amonst the famous, I don't want to be famous, i want to be around the famous. I live for glitz and glamour. I came to the conclusion I am NOT frends with _______. I can't handle her. if we we're together for 7 full days... I'd killmyself after 20 minutes. She is someone i couldn't drop if I tried... cause she has noone. I'll just put up and shut up. Whatever. 11 years of my life I have loved fashion. I'd say my whole life, but I actually think it's impossible to like fashion when you can't do much more than hopscotch and sidewalk chalk. Back then, all I knew was girls(ha), Rosey O'Donnell, earthworms and monster trucks. This mornign while i was listeneing to Not Myself Tonight by Christina Aguilera, I thought about how for my first half of my BLS career, I wasn't myself. My life feels like that perfect pair of blue Minolos from SATC Movie. I am kinda classy, but kinda wild. I believe that blue is a nessascary part of every outfit. I like falir, i like getting dressed and picking that perfect outfit. I like fashion that looks expensive. If my life is like that blue pair of Minolos, then it must be waiting for me on the shelf in some luxurious high end suite in New York City in a closet the size of a bus.
Patrick Miley
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