ther is 111 days until July 12, 2010. That means 111 days to get skinny, 111 days to get healthy, 111 days to get so fierce its unbearable, 111 days to get sexi-er. you were akways sex, just now we are gunna get even sexier. 111 reasons to want to change, 111 reasons to want to improve yourselves. I, patrick miley elvin am on the GAGA Diet. And my diet has a few simple steps and things i cannot do.
1. no icecream, ever.
2. no chips, crackers, etc.
3. work out whenever possible
4. weigh myself when i start and when i finish
5. no more soda...
6. no excuses, no whining, just results.
7. take it one step at a time.
8. dont let the diet, be your life. still have fun.
9. once the weight is gone... i am changign everything about ym appearence... :)
10. have other goals. when i loose this weight i will also...
When I loose this weight i will ALSO, cut my hair to look like rihanna.
I am loosing this weight for the lady gaga concert... and i will look fabulous.
work out wit me after schools i'll train you=]