Wednesday, March 31, 2010
te amo, te amo, she's scared to breathe...
what were you thinking when you wrote that
why would you ever wear those pants in public, not onyl do you look manish, but you look like a lesbian.
how many people can you fuck and get with before your dick falls off? your almost there...
why atre you so pale and freckly.
why the fuck are you following me in the hall.
what motivated you to say what you did, why behind my back, why bad stuff?
why would you ever wear those pants in public, not onyl do you look manish, but you look like a lesbian.
how many people can you fuck and get with before your dick falls off? your almost there...
why atre you so pale and freckly.
why the fuck are you following me in the hall.
what motivated you to say what you did, why behind my back, why bad stuff?
tonight ima let you be the captain, tonight ima let you do your thing.

this post is for anyone who has ever cried over someone, i know how you feel. you need to wipe those tears from your eyes and tell yourself how much better you can do. Anyone who would make someone cry, consciously or subconssciously is no better than dirt. I see girls crying over guys, and guys crying over girls. If they make you miserable in the first place, why do you cry over them. Half the time i wanna say, you cry over him but he won't even miss you. Im telling you to put yourself together, and be fabulous. Loosing someone is no excuse to look shitty. this post is for anyone who has ever cried over someone. don't cry. your far too wonderful for tears.
Welcome to the Mad House
Dear Ronnie, ( from the last song) ( letter from movie)

Dear Ronnie,
I miss you like crazy... I can
hear you, Ronnie, speaking to
me through music. I want you
to know that none of what happened
between your mother and me had
anything to do with you or Jonah.
Love is fragile. And we're not always
make the best mistakes. We just muddle
through and do the best we can
to hope this fragile thing survives
by all odds.
Love, Dad
Am i supposed to hang around and wait forever...
i cannot wait forever. i like you SO much it hurts. i am working so ahrd to impress you, and you dont even notice. i am going crazy trying to impress you, but im not gunna go insane over you. i can't wait forever, and i dont intend to do so...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
im terrified... but i'm not leaving

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ2nCGawrSY&feature=channel <---- i feel like the crazy rihanna in this music video.
somethings wrong with me, im hearing and seeing things most people don't see. i saw a man get punched in the face today on the corner of the street. and when i looked back there was no one there.... im hearing my name constantly. im going insane. my heart is beating for the world to see, my breaths are getting shorter, my brain is moving faster. i don't know what is over coming me, but my inner demon is coming out. i am becoming crazy, its uncontrollable, i cannot stop it. i feel like rihanna.
Monday, March 29, 2010

A message from our leader... LADY GAGA
i love you, bye! xoxo
(I promise ill come back here again, little monsters need me now in AUSTRALIA) X
Quote of the Day
liking someone is never a waste of time

Don't you hate the line " i wasted my time liking you." this is the most childish statemtn ever. if it wasn't a mistake to begin with then was it now? you have no idea how the words hurt. i sit there today and hear that my friend was told " i wasted my time liking you" if you enjoyed liking her in the first place, why was it a waste of time. sorry your a pathetic little boy. she never liked you, you chose to continue liking her and holding onto liking her when it was obvious she wasnt interested. Move On. Leave her alone. and if you ever make her upset , like the way i saw her today. ill kill you. Dont you ever spend six months liking someone, and then when they are upset decide to be a drama queen bitch and not comfort them. grow the fuck up, alladin.
excerpt from Miles to Go - Miley Cyrus

We were on the phone that night until four in the morning . And just like that, i was smitten. It felt like the whole world stopped. Nothing else mattered. I know it sounds silly, but my family doesn't set rules around love. My mammie met her husband on a Monday and they got married on a Friday. They were together for twenty-seven years. My mom doesn't believe that theres such a thign as being too young or too naive to be in love. In my family, when you fall in love, that's it. No one called it puppy love or made fun of me. He really was my Prince Charming, and i knew it right away. You should have seen the sappy smile on my face when i hung up the phone that first night. i was mush. I slept holding the phone next to my cheek as if it would keep him close.
From the very beginning, we were best friends . We talked all the time. He lived on the east coast but would fly to Los Angeles, and i'd see him when i was in New York. Then he moved to L.A., to a house--get this-- a few blocks from mine, and everything got more intense and more fun. Suddenly we were neighbors. It felt natural and so easy. He'd ask me to come over at five in the morning to say hi before i went to work, and i'd just walk down the street. I love to ride my bike, and he'd walk next to me as i rode, singing " My girl." But instead of "my girl," he's say "Miley, talkin' 'bout Miley."
Wow! I was so in love. Do you know what i'm talking about? The kind of love where the sun could shine or not shine all day long and you wouldn't care. The kind of love that makes you jump in the pool in December. The kind of love that makes you want to dance in the rain. This was the most magical journey of my life--it was a total rush.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Lady Gaga

on your 24th birthday... here are 24 reaons why i love you and why you inspire me.
24. you are not afraid of haters, you embrace them, because spending your life trying to convince them to change their minds is pointless.
23. you take some of the most unatractive things and make them beautiful, like a huge hunchback, yellow hair, buns, circular glasses.
22. you never cease to WOW. you always get bigger and better. your never boring.
21. you put your career over your love life, " your career will never wake up and not love you anymore"
20. you are very mysterious about your sexuality, your bisexual, but prefer women, it's like a breath fo fresh air.
19. you HATE money, you spend it all and don't think twice,
18. you act and talk and dress exactly how you feel. you hold nothing back. lady gaga is who you are.
17. you say things like " always wrong to hate... never wrong to love"
16. you have never been photographed without heels, some are 10 inches, some are 4, no matter what your wearing them.
15. there is no such thing as too much eyeliner or too much makeup, and you embrace that.
14. no matter how good a hairstyle looks on you, you are forever changing it up, keeping it fresh
13. you arent afraid of anything
12. you smoke and drink and think theres nothign better than a nice cigarette and a casual hookup
11. your music videos tell a story, and so do your songs.
10. you understand that gaga fans are a seperate culture, they are monsters
9. you dont feel the need to fight back the drama or rumors that are said about you.
8. you know you are fierce and embrace it
7. you find a way to amke every single, gay, lesbian, bisexual. transgender person in the world feel special and loved, you make us feel like we are rare and wonderful
6. you respect and pay tribute to the wonderful performers who came before you
5. you put your heart and soul into everything you do
4. you dont judge people, and you encourage independence and uniqueness.
3. you are one of the kindest women of all time, you are honest and speak the truth
2. you love your fans and would do anything for them
1. you make me feel accepted, you fill my darkest hours with light, you speak to me, you encourage me. you tell me to embrace ym differences, you make me feel loved.
Dear Ronnie, ( from the last song) II

Hi, sweetheart,
I'm proud of you.
I haven't said those words to you as often as i should have. I say them now, not because you chose to stay with me through this incredibly difficult time, but because i wanted you to know that you're the remarkable person i've always dreamed you could be.
Thank you for staying. I know it's hard for you, surely harder than you imagined it would be, and i'm sorry for the hours that your inevitably going to spend alone. But i'm especially sorry because i haven't always been the father that you needed me to be. I know i've made mistakes. I wish i could change so many things in my life. I suppose that's normal, considering what's happening to me, but there's something else i want you to know.
As hard as life can be and despite all my regretsk there have been moments when i felt truly blessed. I felt that way when you were born, and when i took you to the zoo and watched you stare at the giraffes in amazement. Usually , those moments don't last long; they come and go like ocean breezes. But sometimes, they stretch out forever,
That's what the summer was like for me, and not only because you forgave me.The summer was a gift to me, because i came to know the young woman i always knew you would grow into. As i told your brother, it was the best summer of my life, and i often wondered during those idyllic days how someone like me could have been blessed with a daughter as wonderful as you.
Thank you, Ronnie. Thank you for coming, And thank you for the way you made me feel each and every day we had the chance to be together.
You and Jonah have always been the greatest blessings in my life. I love you, Ronnie, and i've always loved you. And never, ever forget i am, and always have been, proud of you. No father has ever been as blessed as i.
Dear Ronnie, ( from the last song)

Dear Ronnie,
I don't even know how to start a letter like this, other than to say I'm sorry.
That's why i asked you to meet me at the cafe, and what i wanted to tell you later that night when i called. I can understand why you didn't come and why you didn't take my call. You're angry with me, you're disappointed in me, and in your heart, you believe i've run away. In your mind, i've abandoned you and i've abandoned the family.
I can't deny that things are going to be different, but i want you to know that if i were in your shoes, i'd probubly feel much the way you do. You have every right to be angry with me. You have ever right to be disappointed in me. I suppose i've earned the feelings you have, and it's not my intention to try to make excuses or cast any blame or try to convince you that you might understand it in time.
In all honesty, you might not, and that could hurt me more than you could ever imagine. You and Jonah have always meant so much to me, and i want you to understand that neither you nor Jonah were to blame for anything. Sometimes, for reasons that aren't always clear, marriages just don't work out. But remember this: i will always love you, and i will always love Jonah. I will always love your mother and she will alwyas have my respect. She is the giver of two if the greatest gift's i've ever received, and she's been a wonderful mother. In many ways, despite the sadness that i feel that your mother and i will no longer be together, i still believe it was a blessing to have been married to her for as long as i was.
I know this isn't much and it's certainly not enough to make you understand, but i want you to know that i still believe in the gift of love. I want you to believe in it, too. You deserve that in your life, for nothing is more fulfilling than love itself.
I hope that in your heartm you'll find some way to forgive me for leaving. It doesn't have to be now, or even soon. But i want you to know this: When you're finally ready, i'll be waiting with open arms on what will be the happiest day of my life.
I love you, Dad.
Lady Gaga : Gay Rights Speech

hello my friends!
i have seen and witnessed so many thigns over the past two years and i can say with such certainty that this is the single msot important moment of my career. i am humble to stand before all of you here today, i know that some of you have been fighting and doing advocacy work that stems all the way back to the stone wall riots and i salute you, and you know i love jusy garland i am also inspired by the masses of all the young people here today the younger generation, my generation, we are the ones coming up in the world, and we must continue to push this movement forward and close the gap, we msut demand full equality for all, they say this country is free, and they say this country is equal but it is not equal if it is sometimes, obama i know you are listening, are you listening? we will continue to push you and your administration to bring your words of promise to a reality.we need change now, we demand actions now, and to barney frank, we are putting more then pressure on this grass, and today this grass is ours. we will come away today and continue to do the work in our own backyards with our local politicians and as for my backyard, as a woman in pop music, as a woman with the most beautiful gay fans in the world, to do my part, i refuse to accepy homophobic or mesoginistic behavior in music lyrics or actions in the music industry, i am so very honored to ahve this platform here today, and i will continue to fight for full equality for all, i love you all so much, bless god and bless the gays!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch, just want one cigarette more ♥
i like you alot ALOT.
you really have no idea how happy you make me. i wish we were together but we arent.
just imagining being with you makes me smile.
you really have no idea how happy you make me. i wish we were together but we arent.
just imagining being with you makes me smile.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Oh, the smallest thing can make all the difference, Love is Alive

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2AciYjDf3I&feature=channel <--- change- carrie underwood
on my list of things i would like to do before i do... there is one i feel i should do sooner rather than later because the hellp is needed now. i want to go to south africa and help kids. i want to assemble a group of about 20 and get funding and stuff and fundraisers and get chaperones, and get a habitiat for humanities grant, i am really serious. i wanna help kids, and i wanna go to africa. i will go alone if i have to. but i know others who would love to come. we are in fact one world, we need to love and care for eachother.
I wish you were where you're supposed to be, close to me

if you've ever been in a relationship where you are working harder than the other person then you know what ti feels like. you go out of your way just to hang out with them, just to say hello, just to catch a glimpse, and they don't even think about you. you drive yourself crazy in how hard you work to make your relationship work, whther its a friendship or a romance, you want it to all work out and your willing to work even harder for it too. But you have a limit, you must know when your working to hard, and their simply nto working hard enough. you need to stop tiring yourself working hard for a relationship that is practically one sided. because in the end youll be alone in it, nd when there gone, you'll have noone to give all that love to. you need to give up on that person before they give up on you, you need to find someone who is willing to work as hard or hrader then you in a relationship and when you find the right balance, youve found love.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This is my temporary home... not where I belong

temporary homes are what we live in. we will be going places in life far away from where we live right now. A building with a roof doesn't make a home, it's the love inside that makes a home a home. going home doesn't mean returning to the palce you used to live, it can mean that that, but mainly it means returning to family, returning to the people you grew up with and around. I guess what im saying is, while we live here why don't we make the best of it. some people don't have houses, and we complain about not having certain luxaries. "windows and rooms that we're passin' through" This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going" there is a whole life ahead of us, some people in our life right now are just windows and doors we are going thorugh, we think of them as necessities now, but in the future we will only remember basic information about them. So i beg you to learn things about your friends, get a deeper understandign of them, so when you look back on them, you remeber more than just hair color.
I cant breathe, Without you i get week

Thank you to everyone who has ever made me feel special, anyone who has ever made me feel loved, anyone who could possibly make me feel beautiful, thank you for always being there. Thank you to any friend who ever put up with me, thank you to people who stayed around and continued to be my friends, thank you to anyone who ever judged me, your judgements made me who i am. Thank you to the girls i am lucky enough to call my best friends, thank you for always being there. thank you to katie cahill for always being my best friend, thank you to everyone ive ever loved, you gave me something to do to fill my time. tahank you to the few boys who have accepted me and stuck up for me. thank you to nana burke for making me who i am. and thank you to lady gaga and miley cyrus, for showing me i am special, through lyrics and actions you have made me proud to be myself.
My heart, it beats, but inside im freezing

i sat their an imagined my life being over, me being somewhere else, no more pain no more tears, but also no more smiles or laughs. i imagined taking the fast way out and never facing anyone ever again, i imagined never coming back to this place and leaving. i imagined running away and never looking back. but i am not a quitter and i will not give up. i will make ti past the hate and make it past the stereotypes, i will make it to the other side, or i will die trying. i am not alone in my fight for surivial, i have some of the best friends i could ever ask for. everytime i imagine taking the easy way out, i imagine my friends, and quitting is not an option.
That's so Gay....

Gay does NOT mean stupid, or dumb or whatever people use it for. i hear people around me saying that's so gay... and it flows out naturally. then i hear yeah and its because your ( hesitation) gay. why can misusing the word be so easy, but callinf someone what they are be bad. i use the word.. GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY., but i use it with meaning. like it means to be a homosexual, to be attracted to the same sex. nowhere in the definiton does it mean stupid. so stop using.. get your heads out of your asses and stop. i dont walk around saying thats so straight so dony even use the word unless you know what it means. KNOCK IT OFF.
watch these commercials.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS0GVOQPs0 <- wanda sykes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_MIb3mYznE&feature=related <-- hillary duff.
hello beautiful

there isnt a time when someone isnt worthy of someone else. if you've ever sat their thinking you weren't good enough for someone i assure you you were wrong,. if you ever felt inadequate.. then ill proe to you your good enough. you are good enough and never let anyone or anything convince you otherwise. you need to stand up and be proud, because confidence is a very sexy quality. don't ever let someone you feel unimportant, because ill show you your importance. you have the power to show people who you really are. you need to discover yourself and then share it with others. i discovered myself and i flaunt it. im proud of it. theres things about myself i want to change, but as a whole... im not too bad. please have some pride in yourself.
Monday, March 22, 2010
i wanna feel you by my side standing next to me

today was one of the best days of my life, and it had nothing to do with me. today two people who i thought were going to hate eachother for the rest of their lives made up, it had been a year since they'd been friends. worst of all. they are two of my best friends and i love them both very much. they stopped being friends over a boy. and they used to be BEST friends, you've never seen frends like this. and i used to cry alot over you two. and now i don't have to. i know you didnt do it for me, but thank you. thank you for showing me friendships will prosper and love does conquer all. thank you for bringing two of my best friends together again, thank you. i love you both.
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