A girl is a prize, not a possesion. Love is a priveledge, not a right. To get the girl you want you have to romance her. No girl is free, and if she is then she'd the wrong type of girl. Back in the old days a man worked half his life wowing the woman he loved, trying to prove his LOVE, he brought ehr for candlelit dinners, bought her flowers, danced with her with no music. Back then, a man appreciated a woman, he knew in order to get the girl you want, you had to earn and deserve her. These are things people our age don't even understand. To get a girl you need to prove to her your not "one of those assholes", you need to show her you really "love" her, you need to tell her every single day how you feel. It was never, hi wanna be my girlfriend... it was hi, my names pat, can i buy you dinner? Romance her, show her shes a princess, it's not hard, it comes natural. Thats what makes us men, we have the ability to be "macho" ( i dont) but we also have the ability to be soft and warm hearted and treat a woman like a queen. ( im gay so i kind of only have the warm hearted part). you need to show her things she4 never dreamt of seeing, you need to tell ehr things she only wishes shed ever hear, you need to make her feel the way people do in fairytales. that's it pretty much it, make her life a fairytale, be THAT kid who has a girlfriend who he treats so respectfully, and with so much love, all her friends are jealous. be THAT kid whose girlfriends friends ACTUALLY LIKE HIM. Be part of the "perfect romance", it is possible, if you make it possible. treat her like the princess she is, then the rest will come naturally. dont jsut tell her you love her, show her you love her. if you do this for her, the day you decide to ask her to spend the rest of her life with you, i can guarentee a yes.
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