Here are some things i jsut wanna say to people.. but can't so i'll type them here:
when you just answered that formspring question... it broke my heart. Like i am completely shattered, all hope i had, was jsut lost
when someone asked me why i was friends with you... i couldn't think of any reasons... but since then i've found soo many.
we aren't friends anymore, after you did that i pretended i got over it, we will never be like we were.
i will forever chose to be friends with him just for you, he seems better than he used to be.
your not ugly... at all. your quite beautiful. actually
i don't compliment you alot because everytime i used to, you'd roll your eyes
that time in the hallway when i said you look so nice today, it slipped out, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable with my gayness.
you are ugly, really ugly, really really ugly. so stop telling me about how pretty you are. UGH.
i hate that i'm in love with you, but i am.
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