Inh my history class, we are learning about the holocaust, and we met with an artist, Julia Baier, and she showed us her paintings of children who died in the holocaust. I chose Emma Werber.. because for some reason when i saw it she was calling my name. The assignment was to write a letter or peom to the child we chose.
Dear Emma,
I want to start my letter with an apology, I am sorry that I fit the blue eyes and blonde hair criteria, and you didn't. Who knew hair and eye color could determine someones fate; death or life. I am sorry you never had a childhood. I apologize for all the pain you had to endure and i apologize for the actions of the Nazis. I never met you, and all I have is a picture of you. The picture is of you when you were two years old, and you probubly couldn't even walk or talk yet. You are just a baby, how could someone kill a baby? How is it possible that someone could blame all their problems on a baby, or on a culture such as the Jews. It seems irrational to blame someone so young for anything. Everytime I look at you I imagine what you could have done with your life. Maybe you were destined to be a doctor who cures cancer. Maybe you were going to be the first person to land on the moon. Maybe you were going to be the best artist or singer in the world. I never knew you but i wish i had. You have seen more death than any two year old should ever see. You have died long before your time, because someone stole your life from you. I will never forget the name Emma Werber and your face will stay with me forever. Although your not with us anymore, i consider you a friend. God Bless You,
Love, Patrick Elvin
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