Lady Gaga on the night of December 1, turned me and olivia mccormick into monsters. Being a monster doesn't mean you hide under someones bed ( you can if you want) being a monster doesn't mean you are a threat to society ( well... in some cases.. maybe) being a monster doesn't mean your gay, lesbian or transgender ( thats just a bonus). To be a monster you must love the gays, you must support love and think same sex marriage is a right. there is no room for homophobes in the monster community. to be a ,monster you msut do things for you, and not care what others think, like wear hot pink pumps when your a muscular male, or wear pounds of glitter, just to walk to the mailbox and back. Being a monster means freedom, your free from yourself and plan to release all your craziness on other people. Being a monster means never supporting anything homophobic in music, writing, television, etc. You must love everyone, and love yourself. You must be crazy and without limits, and you must believe in the three major food groups, alcohol, glitter, cigarettes, eyeliner ♥ to be a monster you msut be fearless but still have fears, you must be open to love someone, and hating should be a last resort. being a monster meansacting how you feel, and doing exactly what your thinkin. if your thinkin i wanna wear a sequin bra and ballerina skirt, go ahead, tlet the inner monster free. being a monster means being insane, but with purpose. you must be "crazy" but know exactly what your doing. Most importantly, being a monster means respecting, following , loving and being crazily obsessed with Lady Gaga. You must understand where she comes from, and find similarities in you and her. let your inner monster free, let him free to reak havic.
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