getting over someone you once loved isn't easy. it takes two things. time and love. not love for that person, love for yourself. you must love yourself so much that you won't let them continue hurting you, you must remember the good memories with that person, but you must never overlook the bad memories... this will keep you sane, while also ensuring you won't go back. you need to take it one day at a time. day one you msut realize you are strong enough to make it without them. you must keep walking on your road of life. you can't let a bump slow you down. because in the end that's all that person is in comparison with your whole life, just a bump in the road. on day two you must erase them physically from your life, but not mentally. get rid of things you have of theirs you know will make you sad when you look. you must do this or everytime you see these things you'll relapse. you msut never blame yourself for any part of the breakup because then the thought of forgivign them will slowly creep up. a way to get over someone is to fill the hole in your heart. don't replace the person... that never works.. but take that hole in your heart and fill it with love... whether its a hobby, a new lover, books, movies, music.. after my last "breakup" i started reading.. ALOT. and i still do. ALOT. when i read i dont think about him... i think about the characters... they become my friends and family. there is no room in my life for old love.. or old guys i used to like. my heart is full of new characters and places and stories... no room for heart breaks. in fact... when i read... my heart is no longer broken.
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