on your 24th birthday... here are 24 reaons why i love you and why you inspire me.
24. you are not afraid of haters, you embrace them, because spending your life trying to convince them to change their minds is pointless.
23. you take some of the most unatractive things and make them beautiful, like a huge hunchback, yellow hair, buns, circular glasses.
22. you never cease to WOW. you always get bigger and better. your never boring.
21. you put your career over your love life, " your career will never wake up and not love you anymore"
20. you are very mysterious about your sexuality, your bisexual, but prefer women, it's like a breath fo fresh air.
19. you HATE money, you spend it all and don't think twice,
18. you act and talk and dress exactly how you feel. you hold nothing back. lady gaga is who you are.
17. you say things like " always wrong to hate... never wrong to love"
16. you have never been photographed without heels, some are 10 inches, some are 4, no matter what your wearing them.
15. there is no such thing as too much eyeliner or too much makeup, and you embrace that.
14. no matter how good a hairstyle looks on you, you are forever changing it up, keeping it fresh
13. you arent afraid of anything
12. you smoke and drink and think theres nothign better than a nice cigarette and a casual hookup
11. your music videos tell a story, and so do your songs.
10. you understand that gaga fans are a seperate culture, they are monsters
9. you dont feel the need to fight back the drama or rumors that are said about you.
8. you know you are fierce and embrace it
7. you find a way to amke every single, gay, lesbian, bisexual. transgender person in the world feel special and loved, you make us feel like we are rare and wonderful
6. you respect and pay tribute to the wonderful performers who came before you
5. you put your heart and soul into everything you do
4. you dont judge people, and you encourage independence and uniqueness.
3. you are one of the kindest women of all time, you are honest and speak the truth
2. you love your fans and would do anything for them
1. you make me feel accepted, you fill my darkest hours with light, you speak to me, you encourage me. you tell me to embrace ym differences, you make me feel loved.
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