What can i say about a girl who consumed 3 + years of my life. What is there to say about a girl who taught me how to love someone. What is there to say to a girl who understands me on a level none of my friends are ven close too. ill say one think... normally when a girl and a boy break up all the time... they dont go bacvk out full steam ahead... and they dont end up being one girl and a gay boy as best friends. hahahha. Bridgette ( who does not have a middle name) Nee is not jsut a best friend, she is a soulmate in the form of a best friend. whther its skating her butt off under Foley's Command... or hitting the books under the Reign of teachers like Patti Couinard... there is never a time when this girlisnt doing something. and half the time she is doing things that are soo crazy and soo funny i couldnt begin to describe. i have always felt a special bond to bridgette because of the way she understands me and loves me for me. her family is amazing and they truly helped raise a one of a kind chick. Under guidance of Christine and Dave Nee... bnee gets in too all sorts of trouble. A boy very soon is going to come along and snatch her up and not let her goo... shes an amazing girlll.... and everyone knows it. she has truly made a name for herself in my heart. and i will never forget her urgent cry... "DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDEEEE!!!!!" i love you forever. always be my best friend. xoxo patrickandmiley
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB7T3lJ3dZ4 <-- describes our friendship.
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